Internet Safety

In school, internet safety is woven through all curriculum areas when using the internet.  We refer to “Sid’s Top Tips” :

  1. People you don’t know are strangers. They’re not always who they say they are
  2. Be nice to people on the computer like you would in the playground
  3. Keep your personal information private
  4. If you ever get that ‘uh oh’ feeling, your should tell a grown up that you trust


There is a wealth of information available to parents, teachers and young people to help keep themselves safe on-line.

Recently we had a parent information evening for online safety delivered by Hampshire. The slides can be found by clicking here.


Useful links: 

App Guides:

Facebook Guide
FIFA Guide
Spotify Guide
Instagram Guide
Minecraft Guide
Snapchat Guide
TikTok Guide 
Twitter Guide
Roblox Guide
YouTube Kids Guide
Whatsapp Guide