KS2 Results

Results and Performance

Our results are published via the DfE Website which can be accessed here

The DfE states that school performance data for the 2022/23 academic year should be used with caution given the ongoing impact of the pandemic, which affected individual schools and pupils differently. 


SATs Analysis 2023

  Expected standard + Expected standard + nationally Beyond expected standard Beyond expected standard nationally
Reading 67% 73% 26% 29%
Writing 61% 71% 2% 13%
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 64% 72% 26% 30%
Maths 63% 73% 17% 24%
Reading, Writing and Maths combined 50% 60% 2% 8%


Average Scaled Scores

  School 2023 England 2023
Reading 103 105
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 103 105
Maths 102 104


Scaled scores are a standardised measure of attainment that remain consistent every year. The average scaled score is calculated as the mean scaled score of all pupils awarded a scaled score. Pupils who did not take the test are excluded from the calculation.

