School Council
At St. Michael’s CE (Controlled) Junior School our School Council gives our pupils a voice and the opportunity to be involved in improving school life for everyone. It is made up of one representative from each class. Within the School Council we have elected a Chair of the School Council and a School Council Secretary. Elections for new council members are held at the beginning of the Autumn Term and any child interested in becoming a School Councillor is invited to give reasons to their class to persuade them why they should be elected.
Prior to the fortnightly meeting, School Councillors lead a Class Council meeting to gather the views and opinions of their class so they represent their class fairly at the meeting. The Chair of the School Council chairs the meetings and ensures that all School Councillors are given the opportunity to share the views of their class members. The School Council Secretary takes minutes of each meeting and these act as an aide memoire. All Councillors are expected to promote our school values and show exemplary behaviour around school.
Most recently, the School Council have:
- Discussed the theme for our School’s new House System and chosen the names: Blackwater, Rowhill, Manor and Brickfields
- Put forward ideas for the School’s new Governor Award
- Discussed ways in which we can improve the range of outdoor activities on offer for all children at lunch times
- Been involved in creating our new Eco Group, discussing ways in which we can improve our school environment e.g. organising regular litter picking