Governors’ Information

One of the main functions of the Governing Body is to be a critical friend to the Headteacher and the School Leadership Team.  

We monitor the School Development Plan and comment on areas of strength or development in it and its implementation. We do not get involved in the day to day administration of school life – that is the Headteacher’s responsibility.

We monitor the finances of the school – keeping an eye on expenditure and holding the Headteacher to account for monies spent and also giving advice on purchasing larger items (e.g. interactive white boards) to make sure that the school is getting value for money spent.

We work with the school leadership to make sure that the school is as safe a place as is possible for both staff and pupils and that up to date policies are in place for a wide variety of areas of school life.

At our meetings we receive reports from staff members about aspects of school life,  asking challenging questions to ensure that all areas are covered and we aim to follow up on all of that by visiting the school and seeing for ourselves elements of school life. We glean information about the school by conducting monitoring visits such as pupil conferencing and sometimes sitting in the classroom to listen and learn.

We come from a variety of backgrounds and serve a 4 year term on the Governing Body which may be renewed. To keep ourselves up to date with the multitude of changes that are made by central government we attend training courses provided by the County and the Diocese as we are a Church school. 

We are involved in the appointment of staff (and particularly in the appointment of the Headteacher) and our Pay Panel works with the Headteacher on the implementation of pay scales for the staff.

If you would like to know more about the Governing Body of the school please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 01252 322933.

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Contact form. Please complete the following to contact our Chair of Governors:

School Governing Body

Mr Alan Jenner
Chair of Governing Body / Leadership and Management / Safeguarding link
Type of governor:
Local Authority
Term of Office:
January 2021 – January 2025
Once I retired from full time work, I applied to be a school governor because I wanted to use the skills I had gained in my professional career to contribute to a school’s development. I had first been a primary school teacher and then a local authority schools’ adviser and felt that I had the knowledge, experience and skills which would benefit St. Michael’s Junior School. I currently work part-time as an education consultant and have taken on the role of chair. I am particularly interested in working with my fellow governors to make a positive difference not only in achieving better outcomes for the children but also to help and support governance development.

Mr Kevin Davies
SEND / EAL / Pupil Premium / Recovery Curriculum link
Type of governor:
Term of Office:
May 2021 – January 2025
I have been involved in school governance for 5 years, and in addition to being a governor at the Junior School, I am the Chair of Governors at the Infant School. I have always taken an interest in education, more so since my son started at the Infants, and being a governor gives me an opportunity to get more involved. I enjoy the business meetings, but enjoy my visits to school to see the staff and the children even more, to see first-hand the impact the school has on the children’s education and wellbeing.

Mr Kevin Walters
Type of governor:
Term of Office:
November 2022 – November 2026
I applied to be a Parent Governor as I wanted to support the work of the school. In very challenging times the role of schools has never been more valuable. I currently work in data analysis in the social housing sector. My daughter attends St Michael’s and my son has moved on from the school into secondary education. I’m very grateful for the education and opportunities they have enjoyed during their time at St Michael’s and feel very fortunate to be able to support the school.

Mr Jonathan PorterRole: Leadership and management Link Governor
Type of governor: Co-optedTerm of Office: February 2023 – January 2027
I applied to be a governor of St Michael’s Junior School because I think that it important to have an active and engaged governing body to support the headteacher and staff in providing a nurturing environment in which children can learn and develop. I work in the area of communications regulation and, in particular, the regulation of the internet.
Mr Gareth MorganRole: Leadership and management Link GovernorType of governor: Co-optedTerm of Office: February 2023 – January 2027
I am delighted to be able to join the Governing Board at St Michael’s at such an exciting time for the school.  Having been a secondary school Governor for a number of years, I am looking forward to building on that experience in a new school.  Having worked in higher education administration for over thirty years, I hope to apply my experience in strategic planning, finance, human resources and estates to support the Head Teacher and her staff in providing an outstanding student experience.
Mrs Stacey Barrington
Type of governor
Term of Office: 
November 2024 – November 2028

Mrs Rachel Woodhouse
School Business Manager
Type of governor:
Term of Office:
October 2023 – August 2027

Mr Nathan Edwards Type of governorStaff GovernorTerm of Office: September 2023 – August 2027

Rev. Alwyn Pereira
Type of governor:
Term of Office: Ex Officio
In January 2018, I became the new Vicar of St Michael’s and the Ascension Church and a Foundational Governor of the School. 

Mrs Jenny Jones
Type of governor:
Term of Office:
Ex Officio

Mrs Fern Bundy
Deputy Headteacher
Type of governor:
Term of Office:

Mrs Rhiannon Ellis-Davies
Type of governor:
Term of Office:
