
School Clubs 

Please see the attached list for club provider information. Clubs highlighted in red are school run clubs and clubs highlighted in yellow are provided by an external company. Clubs run by an external company must be booked through the company and not the school.

All clubs will start the week commencing Monday 9 September 2024 and finish the week commencing Monday 9 December 2024.

If your child would like to join a club, please log on to your Scopay account and sign your child up for their chosen club. 

You will only be able to sign up for a club if there are spaces available. Therefore, if you are able to sign up online then this guarantees your child a place on that particular club. Numbers for most clubs are limited for health and safety reasons.

All after school run clubs are dismissed through main reception at 4.20pm. Please can all parents wait on the playground.
