Grittleton Year 6 residential

We have arrived safely at Grittleton House.

We are sat in the glorious sunshine eating our lunch. After lunch we will be going to take part in our first activity. The groups are completing one of the following:

Problem Solving

Mission X

Jacob’s Ladder

Buggy Building

Body Zorbing

At 3:30 we will be going to settle into our accommodation, unpack bags and make our beds (will be interesting to see how many children have practised this!).

This evening is Sports Evening so lots of fun to be had before bedtime.

Day 2 update from Grittleton:

It was great to watch some of our children climb to the top of Jacob’s ladder yesterday. The children used their courage and teamwork to support each other. Everyone enjoyed our sports event too.

We have all had a very good first night. The children slept well and we have woken to sunshine this morning. We are heading up for breakfast, and then each group will complete two activities before lunch, and two activities this afternoon.

Tonight, we have a quiz night – let’s test our mental skills, after a day of physical activities.

Day 3 update from Grittleton

Yesterday was another amazing day at Grittleton. Body zorbing was a favourite for some, whilst for others they enjoyed the excitement of climbing Jacob’s ladder. We worked together, and used our resilience, during problem solving. All children were tired and slept very well. We had to wake most of them up this morning!

We have woken to grey skies and light rain but our spirits are high. Today all children will be taking part in water wars against another group. Spare clothes will definitely be required after this activity! We are also looking forward to scooters and skateboards, and mission x.

Day 4 update from Grittleton

What fun we had yesterday! Despite the rain, water wars was a firm favourite. Some staff may have ended up wetter than others! Throughout the day some children showed off their archery skills, and others worked together to solve the crystal maze. 

Everyone was very tired last night, and slept really well. The weather is better this morning and today some groups will be den building, and taking part in a sensory adventure.

Tomorrow morning, we will pack our bags, complete a final team challenge, and have lunch before heading back to school.


Photos from Day 1:


Photos from Day 2:


Photos from Day 3:


Day 4 photos:
