Online Payments

At St. Michael’s Junior School we operate a cashless system.  Parents can pay for school meals and school educational visits directly online using the Scopay system.

Please contact the school office on 01252 322933 if you have not received a username and password for this service. If you have any difficulty setting up an account, our school office team will be delighted to offer any help or assistance you may need.

Please click on the link below to access the Scopay system:




Payment for School Activities

Payment for school dinners, trips, clubs, and events must be made in advance please. 

Payment Methods:

  • Internet
    Internet payments can be made via Scopay by clicking on the following link: Scopay Login
  • Cheque
    Please make cheques payable to Hampshire County Council.
  • Cash and Cheque Payments
    Please put payments in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with your child’s name, class, the reason for payment and the amount enclosed.  It helps the school office if your child can hand the clearly marked envelope to their class teacher, or you can place it in the letter box provided, which is situated on the wall of the lobby leading to the reception area of the school.

    Payments for clubs provided by external organisations should be made payable to the organisation concerned and handed into the school office. Unfortunately we cannot accept internet payments on their behalf.
