Year 3 Homework




Times Table Rock Stars


Your child’s login details are in their reading record.

Year 3 Maths Guide for Parents



Please ensure you read for at least 15 minutes, 4 times per week, and that your child’s reading record is signed by an adult to show this has happened. Don’t forget to include the title of the book(s) read and your child, or an adult should write a comment.

Your child should also come home with a Library book – please ensure that your child looks after their library book and brings back to school in a timely manner for other children to enjoy. 

Year 3 English Guide for Parents


Topic (for translation purposes)

This term our topic is ‘Exciting Egyptians’ and we will be looking at the Egyptians and the lasting impact that they had. This project will help you to use what you have already learned and find out some new things.

You can present your work in any way you would like and you can be as creative as you like. Make sure you think about your presentation.

You need to pick 3 different activities to complete. Please make sure you bring in all of your work by Wednesday 19th June.

Make sure you continue to read and record your reading at least 4 times a week. Use to learn and practise your times tables

Please ask your teacher if you need any help or advice.

Design and make or draw an Ancient Egyptian death mask.

Find out about Howard Carter and write a diary entry from his point of view about finding    Tutankhamun’s tomb.

Create a wordsearch or a crossword using some of the key words from our Ancient Egypt topic.

Find out about some Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses and create a fact file or top trump cards

Challenge: Compare these to the Roman gods and goddesses.

Look at some Egyptian            hieroglyphs. Have a go at writing your name and some of the   topic words using hieroglyphs.

Act out the process of           mummification, you could use a cuddly toy or another object. Take pictures of each stage and write out the instructions.

Create a poem or a song         including some key facts about the Ancient Egyptians.

The Ancient Egyptians had their own number system. Have a go at writing out some calculations using their numbers.

Challenge: Compare this number system to the Roman numerals we have looked at.

Make a model of a pyramid. Think abut the objects that would have been placed in a pyramid with a Pharoah. You can make or draw these objects and label them.

