Year 4 Homework
TTS Rockstars –
Times Tables –
TT rock stars challenge continues this term with weekly class battles. Improve your child’s speed and compete for the times table cup presented each week. passwords have also been added to children’s’ reading diaries. Please encourage them to take their time here. Accuracy over speed. The multiplication check on this sight is also similar to the one they will sit later this year. Regular practise will allow your child to become accustom to the way this test works.
Year 4 Maths Guide for Parents
Reading – The reading homework is to ensure you read for at least 20 minutes, at least 4 times per week, and that your reading record is signed by an adult to show this has happened. Don’t forget to write the title of the book(s) you read and you (or your parents) should write a comment. Reading records are checked by staff on a Monday. Please bring your record into school every day.
Your child should also come home with a Library book – please ensure that your child looks after their library book and brings back to school in a timely manner for other children to enjoy.
Year 4 English Guide for Parents
Topic (for translation purposes)
This terms topic project will focus on the Maya Civilisation. You are challenged to complete a project on three aspects of Mayan life, or an impressive invention or achievement. Please choose three aspects to research from the table below.
This project can be presented as a poster, book, leaflet or model, and can be handwritten or typed. You may wish to include paintings or illustrations.
Please bring your topic home learning to school for Wednesday 19th June 2024 ready to share with the class.