Year 3 Homework






Times Table Rock Stars


Your child’s login details are in their reading record.

Year 3 Maths Guide for Parents



Please ensure you read for at least 15 minutes, 4 times per week, and that your child’s reading record is signed by an adult to show this has happened. Don’t forget to include the title of the book(s) read and your child, or an adult should write a comment.

Your child should also come home with a Library book – please ensure that your child looks after their library book and brings back to school in a timely manner for other children to enjoy. 

Year 3 English Guide for Parents


Topic (for translation purposes)


This term our topic is ‘The Long Straight Road’ and we will be looking at the Romans and the lasting impact that they had. This project will help you to use what you have already learned and find out some new things.

You can present your work in any way you would like and you can be as creative as you like. Make sure you think about your presentation.

You need to pick 3 different activities to complete. Please make sure you bring in all of your work by Friday 21st March.

Make sure you continue to read and record your reading at least 4x a week. Use to learn and practise your times tables.

Find out about a Roman building and then make a model of it (no bigger than a shoe box).

Write a marching song the Romans could have sung while marching into battle. Write the down or type them.

Research some Roman Gods and Goddesses. Make some top trump cards telling us important information about them.

Write a list of ten questions you would like to ask a Roman soldier.

Find out about a famous Roman. Draw a picture of them and write a fact file about them with key information.

The Romans wore togas. See if you can make a toga and take a photo of you wearing it! Write some instructions for how you made the toga.

Research Roman numerals. Use them to write some calculations or to write out one of your times tables.

Draw and describe a Roman chariot. What were the chariots used for? Who used them?

Make some Roman Honey Cakes or any other Roman food. Write the recipe/take a photo/bring the food into school.
